When it comes to professional window-washing services, No Dirt Left Behind is the name you can trust. We take immense pride in providing top-quality window cleaning solutions tailored to your needs.
Safety is our utmost priority, and our experienced specialists are equipped with the necessary safety gear to clean your windows effectively and securely. With specialized tools, cleaning chemicals, and expert techniques, we ensure your windows receive a streak-free and sparkling clean, enhancing the overall appeal of your property. Additionally, we offer comprehensive services add-ons for a full-rounded cleaning. You can find a list of them below.
Window Screen Cleaning
Cleaning your window screens is essential for improving indoor air quality, preventing mold growth, maintaining curb appeal, protecting your windows from dirt accumulation, and keeping insects out of your home.
Window Screen Replacement
Replacing ripped window screens is essential for maintaining a comfortable and pest-free home environment. Damaged screens not only allow insects to enter but can also compromise your home’s energy efficiency.
Window Screen Spring Locks Replacements
Window screen pin locks are essential components that secure your window screens in place, preventing them from being easily removed or dislodged. These locks are particularly useful for maintaining the integrity of your screens, especially in homes with children or pets.
Window Screen Frame Corner Replacement
Window screens are essential for maintaining airflow while keeping pests out of your home. However, over time, the corners of window screen frames can become damaged or ripped, compromising their effectiveness. Replacing these corners can enhance the durability and appearance of your window screens.
Window Track Cleaning
Dirty tracks can cause windows to stick or become difficult to open and close. Additionally, accumulated grime can attract pests and contribute to mold growth. Regular cleaning not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also prolongs the lifespan of your windows.
Window Track Mold Prevention Spray
Mold growth can be a significant issue in homes, particularly in areas that are prone to moisture, such as window tracks. These narrow spaces often trap water and organic materials, creating an ideal environment for mold spores to thrive. To combat this problem effectively, our specialized mold prevention spray is designed specifically for use on window tracks.
Hard Water Stain Remover
Our trained staff uses non-abrasive pads and gentle scrubbing techniques to ensure that your windows are cleaned thoroughly without scratches or damage.
Water-Fed Pole Exterior Window Cleaning
(cheaper cost but less detailed results)
This system draws pressurized purified water from a dedicated purification unit. The purified water is essential as it contains zero total dissolved solids (TDS), ensuring that no contaminants are left on the glass after cleaning. As the brush scrubs the window, the purified water rinses away dirt and grime, leaving behind a spotless finish. The only down side is this method is not as detailed as when cleaning it with a handheld mop and squeegee. We recommend this option to home owners with floor to ceiling walls of glass, or commercial business cleans.
Solar Panel Cleaning with Calcium Free Filtered Water
Water-fed poles operate by delivering pressurized, purified water through a pole-mounted brush. The water is typically treated through a purification system that removes impurities and minerals, resulting in a total dissolved solids (TDS) level of zero. This is crucial because any contaminants left on the panels can lead to spotting and reduced efficiency. The combination of pure water and gentle brushing effectively removes dirt, dust, pollen, and other residues that accumulate on solar panels over time
Contact us today for a free quote and experience the No Dirt Left Behind difference!
No Dirt Left Behind offers the highest standard of professional window cleaning, eavestrough cleaning and outdoor lighting in Oshawa, Toronto, Thornhill, Markham, Scarborough, Unionville, Woodbridge, Bowmanville, Courtice, Ajax, Maple, Goodwood, Stouffville, Port Perry, Etobicoke, Aurora, Vaughan, East Gwillimbury, Newmarket, Pickering, York Region, and the G.T.A. Family-owned and operated, we are committed to quality and exceeding our customer’s expectations with reliable, friendly service.
No Dirt Left Behind offers the highest standard of professional window cleaning, eavestrough cleaning and outdoor lighting in Oshawa, Toronto, Thornhill, Markham, Scarborough, Unionville, Woodbridge, Bowmanville, Courtice, Ajax, Maple, Goodwood, Stouffville, Port Perry, Etobicoke, Aurora, Vaughan, East Gwillimbury, Newmarket, Pickering, York Region, and the G.T.A. Family-owned and operated, we are committed to quality and exceeding our customer’s expectations with reliable, friendly service.